Publication Scheme
In accordance with the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld), we are committed to making accessible to the public certain Classes of Information that we have available.
About Us
Organisational Information
Our Structure
Corporate Governance
Our services
- Energy Queensland is the group of electricity distribution, retail and energy services businesses 100% owned by the state of Queensland.
- As a Government Owned Corporation, we deliver electricity across Queensland through our ‘poles and wires’ businesses Energex and Ergon Energy Network.
- Our retailer, Ergon Energy Retail sells this electricity to customers throughout regional Queensland.
- These essential service activities are also supported by a range of innovative products and services delivered through our Yurika brand.
- Media releases.
Our finances
- Audit Results - refer to the most recent Annual Report
- Annual Audited Financial Statements
Our priorities
- Please read our latest Annual Report (PDF 983.0 kb) and Statement of Corporate Intent (PDF 9.7 mb) for our priorities.
Our decisions
Decision making is delegated under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and formalised in the Governance and Delegations Policy. Decision making is further guided by policies established under the Energy Queensland Standard for Business Governance Document Control.
Our policies
For more information on our charters, policies and procedures, visit Our Governance webpage.